Lazy cooking and quick meals
Lately I have been feeling very… Hungry… I feel like I am missing something and I think it is a new food adventure. I survived Lent (kind...

Welcome to 2018
Is it March already? Yes, yes it is! I kinda don't even know what to write because it feels like I haven't written in so long. So what is...

A new adventure... Internship
Here is a link to my latest blog about my 4/5 months of internship... in a real legit restaurant. It was fun, it was difficult... or not...

A new adventure... Part 3
The last few weeks of my first year of my new adventure... Yes, it's a mouthful just like the meals we had made the last few weeks! Check...

A new adventure... Part 2
Now for the next 7 weeks of my new adventure of becoming a Chef! These are the first 7 weeks of my new adventure into the culinary world....

Know Thy Farmer
So, if you are like me, and have no idea that Pinelands has a little Eco Village then I would suggest you go check it out. A nice view of...

A new adventure Part 1
A new adventure... week 1 A new adventure... week 2 A new adventure... week 3 A new adventure... week 4 A new adventure... week 5 A new...

Making a new house a home...
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. - Virginia Woolf A few weeks ago my mother moved to Somerset...

Getting Farçi on Mississippi Mud Pie
The Chocoholic 12-step program: Never be 12 steps away from chocolate. – Terry Moore So, lately I have been obsessed with making this...

DIS! Promo
DIS! op VIAtv kanaal 147 DSTV. Woensdae aande 16:30 & 19:30. Kom kyk waar ons Farçi raak weekliks!